[Bug 26149] should img alt="" be mapped to role=presentation?


--- Comment #5 from James Craig <jcraig@apple.com> ---
That clarifies it but I think it may be wrong. The important part in this
situation is that the image is not exposed to AT, and that it's an
implementation detail of how to do that. Perhaps you need an "ignored" boolean
column or need to put the role as "img (ignored)"

WebKit does that by leaving the ImageRole internally and marking it
AccessibilityIsIgnored. The platform mappings do not expose ignored views to
the plaform APIs (like the AX API on OS X). So in our case these images aren't
exposed in the Accessibility tree at all. 

IIRC, Firefox takes a different approach, which is to expose the node but mark
it with a property that indicates it's hidden or ignored. 

I think both implementation approaches are legitimate. 

Note that the WebKit automated test example I linked to lists the role retained
as "img" b/c it's still an image. The "ignored" flag is the important piece of
the puzzle here.

WebKit's internal accessibility model, not the platform API.
<img src="data:image/gif..." alt="">
    exists: true
    role: img
    ignored: true

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Received on Friday, 20 June 2014 17:21:53 UTC