[Bug 26207] Provide a way to check system capabilities required for UHD playback


--- Comment #1 from Jerry Smith <jdsmith@microsoft.com> ---
IsTypeSupported currently has an optional DOMString capability attribute that
might be used to abstract some set of requirements for HD or UHD playback. 
This could be a proprietary label per CDM or a label that represents some
industry agreement among providers and content owners on a standard for
playback.  These don't currently exist.

I see three options for dealing with this:

1. Limit EME to the DOMString capability attribute we currently have.
   a. This MAY be sufficient, but could depend on proprietary labels.
2. Provide some way to pre-check a license without the delay of downloading
content, attempting playback and failing.
   a. This MIGHT be possible without a lot of EME change, but is TBD.
3. Provide a way to check against a set of criteria relevant to UHD playback.  
   a. This seems like the most direct approach, but has some negatives listed

A capabilities query has the advantage of letting content owners tune their
playback bar when there isn't yet a consensus bar to meet.  A list of
capabilities should include:

1. Hardware DRM
2. Hardware media pipeline
3. Display link protection
4. Media parameters needed to take advantage of UHD content

Returning capabilities data has at least a couple of negatives:

1. Returned data and even pass/fail verification on a specific set of
capabilities might be used for fingerprinting.  This could require limiting the
capabilities returned or adding a way for users to approve disclosing the data.
2. Any specific set of criteria could omit one that eventually becomes
important to content owners.  The criteria needs to be reasonably specific to
insure it is evaluated consistently on different browser/CDM implementations.

I propose modifying IsTypeSupported to return either the capability DOMString
OR a specific mediaCapabilities dictionary that attempts to answer key playback
questions without returning a large amount of fingerprinting data.  It would be
queried as a set and return our equivalent of a pass/fail response ("maybe",
"probably").  A draft WebIDL for discussion is included below:

static IsTypeSupportedResult isTypeSupported(DOMstring keySystem, optional
DOMString initDataType, optional DOMString contentType, optional
mediaCapabilities capability);

typedef (capabilities or DOMString) mediaCapabilities;

dictionary capabilities {
  bool hardwareMediaDecrypt;
  bool hardwareMediaPipeline;
  DOMString displayLinkProtection;
  bool timeBasedRestrictions
  short minDisplayLines
  short audioChannels;
  short colorBitDepth;

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Received on Tuesday, 8 July 2014 00:57:37 UTC