[Bug 25385] clear key cannot provide basic protection, why not considering web cryptography API


--- Comment #2 from David Dorwin <ddorwin@google.com> ---
(In reply to GEXIN1984 from comment #0)
> According to the EME spec, a "clear key" Key System needs to be supported to
> "ensures that there is a common baseline level of protection that is
> guaranteed to be supported in all user agents, including those that are
> entirely open source. Thus, content providers that need only basic
> protection can build simple applications that will work on all platforms
> without needing to work with any content protection providers."
> However, the clear key may not be able to achieve the goal to provide even a
> "basic protection" as the key is in plain text. Attackers can easily get the
> key from the source code and use it to decrypt the content. It is obvious
> that encrypted content with a plain text key is not any more secured than
> just plain text content.

Which source code are you referring to? The JavaScript application or the user
agent source code?

Some encryption is more secure than an unencrypted file sitting on a CDN. The
key could be provided to the user agent in ways, including WebCrypto, that keep
it secure during transit.

> My suggestion is to use the API defined in Web cryptography work group to
> provide a more flexible basic protection. The key defined in the web
> cryptography API is not exposed in JS environment, it can be used as the
> content key in DRM system. One possible solution is that the client
> generates a key pair, the server encrypts the key with public key of the
> client, and then the client uses its private key to unwrap the key. The
> content key may also be import from out side the browser.
> I think this method may be much more secured than the clear key and can be
> used by content providers who "need only basic protection can build simple
> applications that will work on all platforms without needing to work with
> any content protection providers."

WebCrypto might protect the key from JavaScript, but there is no implied
security within the user agent.

This seems like a lot more specification for only a slightly more secure
solution. We could probably accomplish something similar by having Clear Key
(or a variant) provide a public key in the license request. This would also be
consistent with the flow used by other key systems. This might be worth
considering, especially if there are content providers that would use it.

Importing content keys from outside the browser is out of scope for EME.

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Received on Friday, 25 April 2014 18:19:20 UTC