[Bug 25268] Reduce the burden on applications to deduplicate initData from many needkey events


--- Comment #1 from David Dorwin <ddorwin@google.com> ---
One of the issues we had during previous discussions is that createSession()
always returned a MediaKeySession. With the introduction of Promises (bug
25199), we have the option to not return a session based on asynchronous
processing. Thus, instead of creating a useless session object (bug 25267),
implementations can reject the promise with an appropriate DOMException if the
specified initData was not used to create any of the existing active (i.e. not
closed) sessions for this MediaKeys object.

This would allow applications to always call createSession() in response to a
needkey event while avoiding creation of unnecessary sessions and potentially
license requests. We might need a unique DOMException value so that
applications can easily check for and ignore this non-error rejection of the

Since the problem described in this bug needs to be solved for all
implementations, we would specify this as the behavior for *all*
implementations. This would prevent applications from creating a second session
for the same initData. If there is a use case for this, we should think about
how to allow an application for force this (without releasing the existing

Since the result is reported asynchronously, the de-duplication of initData can
be performed in either the UA or CDM. In either case, existing values should be
removed when a session is closed. This does require some extra processing and
time for each createSession() call, but it seems worth it to simplify

This does *not* solve all scenarios, such as where the initData differs between
audio and video streams and the applicaiton only wants to make one license
request, but it significantly reduces the number of sessions that are created,
especially in adaptive streaming cases. It should also correctly handle key
rotation (assuming different initData for different streams is handled

I think this is a significant improvement over the current state, but I would
be interested in other proposals, especially if they address the forced session
creation and/or different initData issues mentioned above.

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Received on Thursday, 10 April 2014 20:29:15 UTC