[Bug 20201] polyglot markup and extensions via <script> (and <style>)


--- Comment #7 from Leif Halvard Silli <xn--mlform-iua@xn--mlform-iua.no> ---
(In reply to comment #6)
> After 15 years we no longer need to put HTML comments inside script and
> style in order to hide styles and scripts from very old browsers. You are
> proposing that we should now propose similar mechanism?
> Your proposal is just ugly syntax hack and I don't see any really strong
> use-case which will overweight ugliness you propose.

Good point. (Even if allowing comments was only a side effect, and not the
motivation for allowing CDATA.)

In fact, comments probably *are* ambiguouse inside CDATA since they are not
regarded as comments by the XML parsers but *do* apparently count as comments
in the HTML parser. (I assume that’s why the HTML5 spec - and the NU validator
. requires comments to be closed within one and the same script/style element.

Going forward, I will resolve this bug in such a way that comments in CDATA
does not get permitted.

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Received on Wednesday, 15 May 2013 12:19:20 UTC