[Bug 21495] List of translatable elements and attributes


--- Comment #1 from Yves <ysavourel@enlaso.com> ---
An update on this topic.

Regarding point b). I think now one can consider <style> translatable, (as well
as <script> and all onXYZ attributes) but with a caveat that those constructs
require a secondary parsing to separate the translatable parts from the
non-translatable ones.

So something like this:

All elements are translatable (including <style>* and <script>*)
Only the following attributes are translatable:
abbr, alt, content, download, label, placeholder, title, aria-label.
aria-valuetext when the role attribute is progressbar, scrollbar, slider or
content in a <meta> element when the attribute name is keywords, or
value in a <input> element when the attribute type is button
style* and srcdoc* attributes.
onabort*, onblur*, oncanplay*, oncanplaythrough*, onchange*, onclick*,
oncontextmenu*, ondblclick*, ondrag*, ondragend*, ondragenter*, ondragleave*,
ondragover*, ondragstart*, ondrop*, ondurationchange*, onemptied*, onended*,
onerror*, onfocus*, oninput*, oninvalid*, onkeydown*, onkeypress*, onkeyup*,
onload*, onloadeddata*, onloadedmetadata*, onloadstart*, onmousedown*,
onmousemove*, onmouseout*, onmouseover*, onmouseup*, onmousewheel*, onpause*,
onplay*, onplaying*, onprogress*, onratechange*, onreadystatechange*, onreset*,
onscroll*, onseeked*, onseeking*, onselect*, onshow*, onstalled*, onsubmit*,
onsuspend*, ontimeupdate*, onvolumechange*, and onwaiting*.

Note: The elements or attributes with a star (*) next to their name have a
content or a value that is not of type text. While the translatability property
still applies to them, they must be processed by a secondary parser to detect
which parts of their content or value are actually text to translate.

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Received on Tuesday, 30 April 2013 20:51:40 UTC