[Bug 15291] Allow textarea@pattern (input@pattern is specced already so why not)


--- Comment #1 from Mathias Bynens <mathias@qiwi.be> 2011-12-21 09:30:49 UTC ---
Use cases for textarea@pattern:

* Enforcing a minimum length. This is probably the most common use case, as
pretty much any forum / bulletin board online already does this server-side
and/or using JavaScript.
* Tools like http://mothereff.in/ampersands, where the textarea’s text content
is validated using a regular expression on-the-fly. Currently this is done
separately in JavaScript (since I want to capture the validation errors) but it
would be useful to have @pattern work for simple regex-based validation, just
so the `invalid` event would fire and the invalid textarea could be targeted
using `:invalid` in CSS. The heavier processing (i.e. matching the actual
errors) could then be done only when needed. This would result in better
performance for the common case where the input is valid.
* Online editors that only allow a specific set of characters, or that disallow
a range of characters.

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Received on Wednesday, 21 December 2011 09:30:58 UTC