from December 2008 by subject

[Bug 5744] Improved Fragment Identifiers

[Bug 5776] Authors need more control over handling of embedded resources

[Bug 5803] HTML5 serialization is not compatible with XSLT

[Bug 5807] User Agent display of title attribute content not defined

[Bug 5814] WebIDL: Resolve the callback issue

[Bug 5822] The headers attribute should be able to reference a td

[Bug 5833] Work on standalone apps ideas

[Bug 5850] JS global object

[Bug 5851] Consider adding .toArray() on NodeList and HTMLCollection

[Bug 5852] Incorporate Entity Reference Table into Authoring Guide

[Bug 5859] Spec doesn't handle unknown schemes

[Bug 5895] Require attributes on <embed> and data-* attributes to be lowercase

[Bug 5897] Make &ohm; and &angst; expand to their NFC equivalents

[Bug 5909] Need a solution for replaceable properties

[Bug 5927] WF2: HTMLInputElement need some improvements

[Bug 5963] Editorial: xrefs in media event summary table

[Bug 5979] unclear whether new Audio(url) should throw

[Bug 5994] add note in syntax section

[Bug 5997] Define script execution for XHTML5

[Bug 6032] Serializing a doctype with invalid public id

[Bug 6036] HTMLCollection.namedItem() should look for non-HTML elements

[Bug 6037] Elaborate on Web compat characteristics of task queue interaction

[Bug 6038] "noframes", "script", "style", "title" in 'after head' mode pop prematurely

[Bug 6052] Should propagate uncaught exceptions from workers to their owner

[Bug 6102] Please do not break applet element in HTML 5

[Bug 6134] Run-on sentence in HTML5 spec

[Bug 6143] Linkify "pending external script"

[Bug 6145] Label content model should allow <label for=a><input id=a>

[Bug 6181] Process table feedback (including headers='" issue)

[Bug 6182] WebIDL - strokeStyle and fillStyle should be of type 'any' not 'DOMObject'

[Bug 6213] Noscript content model with script allows fragment parse errors

[Bug 6214] insertRow without arguments

[Bug 6216] <script> in <select>

[Bug 6256] Mutation event behavior on unspecified

[Bug 6257] Please specify document.write()-safe points in the parse

[Bug 6258] Changing the encoding doesn't cover non-idempotent navigation

[Bug 6263] document.onreadystatechange

[Bug 6263] New: document.onreadystatechange

[Bug 6293] New: specify that the value attribute on <input type=url> must be an absolute URL

[Bug 6293] specify that the value attribute on <input type=url> must be an absolute URL

[Bug 6294] Date microsyntax defines incorrect range for month and day fields

[Bug 6294] New: Date microsyntax defines incorrect range for month and day fields

[Bug 6300] [references] reference RFC 5322 instead of RFC 2822

[Bug 6300] New: reference RFC 5322 instead of RFC 2822

[Bug 6336] New: XSLT-compat doctype only allowed for use by XSLT

[Bug 6339] New: Define how to deal with onload, ononline, and other document/window-level events

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 December 2008 22:13:32 UTC