Re: [admin] Can the HTMLWG please avoid CfC hell for "heartbeat" WDs?

On Feb 13, 2014, at 10:30 , Arthur Barstow <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Seeing YA long and unfruitful thread regarding a CfC to publish a so-called "heartbeat" WD, I'm wondering if there is `better` way forward ...
> My take on [Proc2005] is that a group is _not required_ to have (nor record) "consensus" to publish a heartbeat WD; in fact, Proc2005 appears to be silent on the matter. As such, is a Call for _Consensus_ accurate/appropriate? Instead, could the there be some type of heads-up/announcement about the intent to publish the WD and the Status section accurately reflect the group does not necessarily agree on the contents of the WD?  Otherwise, a CfC to publish a WD can become [an obnoxious and annoying] "bully pulpit" for detractors.

Yes, I think that framing the question to the group, and not expressing it as a consensus-call, would be good.

“Does anyone feel that the current WD doesn’t reflect the technical decisions of the group, or is not in shape for heartbeat publication? Answers by the Ides of March, please.”

> It also appears Proc2005 has no strict requirement that a WG _must_ publish a WD (or more mature) every 3 months. Does the WG's charter override that requirement? If yes, why; if no, how about relaxing the publication requirement so that these WDs are only published after substantive changes for which the proponents seek wide(r) review?

6.2.7 Working Group "Heartbeat" Requirement

It is important that a Working Group keep the Membership and public informed of its activity and progress. To this end, each Working Group should publish in the W3C technical reports index a new draft of each active technical report at least once every three months. An active technical report is a Working Draft, Candidate Recommendation, Proposed Recommendation, or Proposed Edited Recommendation. Each Working Group must publish a new draft of at least one of its active technical reports on the W3C technical reports index [PUB11] at least once every three months.


> -Cheers, AB
> [Proc2005] <>

David Singer
Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Thursday, 13 February 2014 18:44:54 UTC