- From: Robin Berjon <robin@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 15:34:21 +0200
- To: Mark Sadecki <mark@w3.org>
- CC: "public-html-admin@w3.org" <public-html-admin@w3.org>, HTML A11Y TF Public <public-html-a11y@w3.org>
On 19/09/2013 14:53 , Mark Sadecki wrote: > I noticed that the HTML WG expects to discuss (agenda topic 7a [1]) the issue of > longdesc being referred to as obsolete in the current HTML spec [2] (see bug 21341 [3]). > I believe the following quote from Plan 2014 [4] applies to this situation and should > be included in your discussion. The bug is still open and on me, I'll get around to it shortly. -- Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/ - @robinberjon
Received on Thursday, 19 September 2013 13:34:30 UTC