RE: Oppose DRM ! Re: CfC: to publish Encrypted Media Extensions specification as a First Public Working Draft (FPWD)

On Fri, 25 Jan 2013, John Foliot wrote:

> Thus, I again ask that those who have objections to the proposed 
> Encrypted Media Extension specification limit them to specific technical 
> problems with the current draft under discussion (and I note that some 
> useful dialog has emerged from, among others, Robert O'Callahan), or, 
> barring that, take the use-case requirement and create an alternative 
> solution which can be brought forward as an alternative Extension Spec 
> for consideration.

Leaving aside the rest of your mail (which I'm sure someone else can reply 
to better than I), are you saying that we should not be allowed to decide 
if a proposal is appropriate in scope or material (or something else 
similar) for the working group?  That seems to go against a lot of how I 
understood this to work.

Received on Friday, 25 January 2013 21:01:34 UTC