Re: status of HTML WG charter?

Steve Faulkner <>, 2013-02-06 10:56 +0000:

> Can anyone provide details on the current status of

That charter is still a draft. It still needs to be reviewed by the W3C
Advisory Committee. We're planning to send it to the AC very soon.

What's been happening in the mean time is that after we first announced
that charter to the group last summer, we made some further updates and
clarifications to the charter after the group decided to adopt Plan 2014:

And we have very recently made additional updates and clarifications and are
planning to send an announcement of the updated charter to the group soon.

> i.e. is this the charter the HTML WG is now working under?

No, the charter the group is currently working under is still until we complete the AC review
of the draft.


Michael[tm] Smith

Received on Wednesday, 6 February 2013 11:34:34 UTC