Re: Call for Consensus (CfC): Comments on the MSE CR

> 1.)	The diagram in this document should have a longdesc.

-1. This is why we can't have nice things.

> If possible, the diagram itself should also be created using accessible SVG
> markup.

Is your recommendation intention really SVG+longdesc? That's how this reads.

Instead of an overly prescriptive proposal of one possible solution ("You must use @longdesc, and ideally SVG."), this should be phrased, ~"The diagram in the document should be made accessible." How they choose to do that is irrelevant. Neither @longdesc nor SVG is a requirement for accessibility.

You should also include some examples of how to make both vector and bitmap images accessible. You're welcome to use the options I've compiled here. Note: 2 of the 5 examples do use SVG.

Received on Friday, 11 December 2015 09:55:28 UTC