ALT document as a note

I've edited
rather lightly to turn it into a WG Note.

Paul Cotton correctly observes we need to update the reference to HTML;
should we refer to
(1) the today-published proposed recommendation
(2) the most recently published HTML 5 specification (now the PR, soon a Rec, we hope)
(3) the most recent version of HTML (this should be XHTML 1.1 or HTML 4 I think,
    but the link actually goes to the HTML 5 PR despite that document still being
    a draft, albeit close to Rec!)
(4) something else?

Answers on a postcard :) together with any other comments...


Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C,
Pictures from old books:

Received on Wednesday, 17 September 2014 21:07:11 UTC