[MEDIA] Minutes for Media Sub-Group 27 MAY 2014

Thanks to everyone who attended today's Media Sub-Group meeting, especially Kaz
and Daniel for representing the Web & TV IG.  Below are the minutes in HTML and
text format.



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

             HTML Accessibility Task Force Media Sub-Group

27 May 2014

   See also: [2]IRC log

      [2] http://www.w3.org/2014/05/27-html-a11y-media-irc


          ShaneM, Mark_Sadecki, JF, WuWei, ddavis, Kazuyuki,

          Mark Sadecki

          MarkS, JF


     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Identify Scribe
         2. [5]TV & Web: Collaboration on Use Cases and
         3. [6]Use Case 2
         4. [7]Use case 10
         5. [8]New Use Cases
     * [9]Summary of Action Items

   <trackbot> Date: 27 May 2014

   <MarkS> [10]Original Web & TV Use Cases from Round 1

     [10] https://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/Media_APIs/Use_Cases

   <MarkS> [11]Accessibility Use Case Feedback on UCs 1-7 (from

     [11] https://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/WebTV_Use_Cases

   <MarkS> [12]Accessibility Use Case Feedback on UCs 8-12 (from

     [12] https://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/User:Jfoliot/UseCases

   <MarkS> [13]New Use Case from Janina

     [13] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-a11y/2014May/0095.html

Identify Scribe

   <MarkS> scribe: MarkS

TV & Web: Collaboration on Use Cases and Requirements

   MarkS> [14]Original Web & TV Use Cases from Round 1

     [14] https://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/WebTV_Use_Cases

   -> [15]https://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/Media_APIs/Use_Cases
   Original Web & TV Use Cases from Round 1

     [15] https://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/Media_APIs/Use_Cases

   -> [16]https://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/WebTV_Use_Cases
   Accessibility Use Case Feedback on UCs 1-7 (from MarkS)

     [16] https://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/WebTV_Use_Cases

   <JF> scribeL Mark S reviewing feedback

   JS: The need to be able to use these interfaces accessibly
   applies to all these use cases

   <JF> JS: notes that WCAG and UAAG will likely apply to all of
   the use cases

   <JF> scribe: JF

   SM: notes sycnronization with alternative content. Second round
   of use cases coming and a new one is media-stream


     [17] http://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/New_Ideas#Media_stream_synchronization

   DD: RE: synchronization with other devices, we put media
   synchronization as a new suggested Use Case for Round 2, so
   this may be applicable there

   Kaz: we can also start by adding these new use cases to the 2nd
   round of use cases

   DD: Maybe you can merge all of these into one use case

   <inserted> Kaz: yes, but we can merge them later if needed :)

   scribe: MarkS

Use Case 2

   JF: Could that me more of a User Agent Guideline? Its blurry

   JS: Still belongs in the Use Case

   Kaz: maybe it would be useful to explain what the "overlay" os

   DD: the whole idea of having use cases is to extract
   requirements that we can use to develop specs
   ... some of these are already covered in gap analysis, but i
   think a queue is a good idea

   Kaz: maybe it would be better for us to talk about how to best
   add these to Web & TV wiki
   ... maybe we can add a link to the first generation Use CAses
   ... or to add all of these separately
   ... accessible second screen, for instance

   MS: So new use cases based on round 1 that focus on
   accessibility. We can talk about style later
   ... then add to the Web & TV wiki

   JS: I'm a little worried about adding too many use cases
   specifically for accessibility. Many of these things benefit

   <JF> +1 to Janina's point

   JS: the message gets lost if they are treated separately

   <ddavis> +1

   Kaz: my own preference would be to add accessibility extension
   to the use cases. and then work them into the final report
   ... style-wise

   JF: we don't want to put accessibility in a separate group.
   These are universal concerns.

   Kaz: I was talking with DD about this

   DD: I agree, and it would be easier to get people to agree on
   these if they are not in a separate group.

   JF: Its usability taken to the extreme

   MS: [Gives summary of use cases 4-7]

   JS: +1

   Kaz: Just wondering about he MAUR document. maybe it makes
   sense to add that as well

   -> [18]https://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/User:Jfoliot/UseCases
   Accessibility Use Case Feedback on UCs 8-12 (from JF)

     [18] https://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/User:Jfoliot/UseCases

   JF: UC 8 and 9, both talk about taking content offline to local
   storage. Download and go or record for later consumption.
   Storing for later. In both cases, using the video element, the
   alternative content is not bound, referenced as external files.
   In those cases, there needs to be a way to include additional
   assets as well and are properly bound.
   ... like when you "Save a web page" which saves the HTML and
   all its assets with relative links
   ... suggested that it mirrors the structure on the server, or
   compress and it reinterpret the path

Use case 10

   JF: UUAG and MAUR. These use cases were about the content being
   delivered. make sure you don't rely on sensory notification,
   like only one of audio prompt or visual prompt.
   ... multi-sensory notification and UUAG and MAUR
   ... very important to bind the alternative content when taking

   MS: be great to make it globally configurable too
   ... always include caption when available.

   JF: many still assume that caption are still in band, but many
   especially in HTML are out of band now

   kaz: there is a lot of discussion RE: in band and out of band
   ... we would need this kind of extension

   JF: the technical issue would be how to associate those

   kaz: epub format has something like that.

   JF: I dropped this into my user directory in the wiki.


     [19] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-a11y/2014May/0095.html

New Use Cases

   JS: It's not always clear in these use cases if the viewing
   environment was a group or an individual, I think we made to
   make that distinction.
   ... here is an example about a group, in a movie theatre that
   uses HTML5 media player
   ... you don't need to have a disability to enjoy chapter
   navigation, as can be seen in epub
   ... group of students, cramming for an exam. there are videos
   associated with their class. the structural nav points, can be
   displayed in a system map. You can tick off the topics that
   were covered.
   ... blind student is reading a braille print-out. the entire
   group has found the captioning useful for term definition and
   note taking
   ... very useful for students to be able to jump to a particular
   point in the video.

   JF: the support file, the transcript, etc becomes the master to
   the video file. its your table of contents.
   ... in discussions around precedence and order, who owns the
   master timeline. The video asset would always be the master
   timeline. In this use case the its flipped.


     [20] http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/CR-media-frags-20111201/

   JF: not an insurmountable problem, unless we point to Media
   frags as a solution, lets throw up some flags, follow up with
   possible solutions.
   ... Use case, scenario, possible pitfalls

   JS: Just came up with this one during the call
   ... 2nd screen, someone has a device, there could be multiple
   streams going on the network. there needs to be a way to
   discern between streams and set preferences for alternative
   ... the descriptions might take so long to consume, there needs
   to be a way to pause the primary video. However, that would be
   a problem in a group scenario. Need to point that out.
   ... if you are bringing your own device to the party, lets go
   back to the Movie theatre scenario, would be great to be able
   to bring your own device to consume alt content.
   ... discovery and selection may need work

   JF: I was thinking the same thing. You can imagine the movie
   theatre, or a family sitting around the TV. One family member
   may want the captions or the audio description which might
   distract other viewers.

   JS: with the family, you also need to make sure you have only
   resources for your primary device.

   <ddavis> www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/New_Ideas

   DD: Anything goes, this is a good thing to add. The only thing
   is that the chairs of the IG do not want to have things that
   won't get carried forward. Only use cases where someone is
   willing to continue with it through requirements and gap

   Kaz: we will try to talk with other IG participants RE these
   ... these are very good use cases for accessible tv. perhaps a
   student would want to use speech for input.

   JS: hopefully Indie UI could address that.

   JF: we're talking about using these 2nd devices for both input
   and output. In accessibility, we have lots of ideas, but no
   engineers to follow through with some of these. How do we bring
   forward these ideas that go beyond accessibility but not driven
   by an accessibility use case
   ... worth putting them down and framing them in a more generic

   DD: We are happy to take some of these use cases and be the
   representative for them.
   ... its much more helpful if it would be broadly applicable.
   ... if not someone from this group to champion these, then Kaz
   or I.
   ... be great to consolidate these as well. some may be dropped
   in this iteration of gap analysis if they are too specialized.

   Kaz: Daniel and I will talk more about this after the call. We
   will have our meeting tomorrow and will discuss the 2nd
   iteration of use cases.
   ... i think we should bring all of these to that call, at least
   some of them.
   ... we will think about how to do that.

   JS: one thing that has to get captured is the discoverability

   DD: that came up in the first round of use cases. that was
   covered by network discovery API but seems to have fallen out
   of focus. Will have to bring that up again.

   Kaz: Mark Vickers attended meeting in Santa Clara. We will
   check with them again and talk about these tomorrow

   JS: Comcast has now joined PFWG and is working on incorporating
   aria support in their products.

   Kaz: that is great news

   JS: I will type up my new use case

   DD: We will either keep them in your wiki or copy them over to
   ours. We won't be able to edit the first round, but we might be
   able to create a new version of Round 1

   JS: i want to thank Web & TV IG for coming up with the term 2nd
   screen. We might be able to use that in MAUR

   DD: we have also talked about using Multi-Screen

   JS: could even be a bluetooth headset

Summary of Action Items

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [21]scribe.perl version
    1.138 ([22]CVS log)
    $Date: 2014-05-27 15:13:17 $

     [21] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
     [22] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Mark Sadecki
Web Accessibility Engineer
World Wide Web Consortium, Web Accessibility Initiative
Telephone: +1.617.715.4017
Email: mark@w3.org
Web: http://w3.org/People/mark

Received on Tuesday, 27 May 2014 15:17:24 UTC