Reminder: Survey to join TF Media Sub Group


This is a reminder for those interested in joining the HTML Accessibility Task
Force Media Sub Group that the teleconference planning survey [1] will be open
until March 27th.  The need for a Sub Group focused on Accessible Media in HTML
has become very apparent as of late.  You can learn more about the Media Sub
Group on their wiki page [2].

[1] Survey:
[2] Wiki:



On 2/26/14, 5:51 PM, Mark Sadecki wrote:
> Hi,
> The need for a Sub Group focused on Accessible Media in HTML has become very apparent as of late.  While processing bugs on HTML 5.1, a large number of them are media related.  Work is going on in the Web and TV IG's Media APIs Task Force that needs attention from our group (Requirements and Use Case gathering.)  The HTML 5 spec is increasingly defining features and controls created by the browser (e.g. media player controls) which requires us to liaison more closely with the UAWG.
> I invite those interested in joining the Media Sub Group to complete the following survey [1] of possible meeting times for this sub group.  Suggested times are based on the availability of key participants formerly active in this group.  You can learn more about the Media Sub Group on their wiki [2].
> [1]
> [2]
> Best,
> Mark

Mark Sadecki
Web Accessibility Engineer
World Wide Web Consortium, Web Accessibility Initiative
Telephone: +1.617.715.4017

Received on Tuesday, 18 March 2014 11:51:40 UTC