Bug triage - New bugs report

Bug triage,


There were 16 bugs filed during the last week. Of these three relate to
accessibility, but none require discussion on the call today.


Bug 24278 – should links be allowed inside labels?


Added a11y keyword, already assigned to Steve F, no need to discuss/track.



Bug 24245 – Define a focus ring object to use with custom focus rings


Has a11y_canvas keyword, tracked by Canvas sub-team, no need to discuss.


Bug 24274 – Specify ARIA role of area element with @alt but which do *not*
create hyperlinks


added a11y keyword, already assigned to Steve F, no need to discuss/track.


Bug 24253 – allowed roles on <a> change leaked from whatwg spec


Already assigned to Steve F, marked as fixed, no need to discuss/track.





The Paciello Group.

Received on Wednesday, 15 January 2014 12:00:46 UTC