[MEDIA] Actions for Media Sub-Group

Mark Sadecki writes:
> * Janina to develop new language for 3.4 (Clean Audio)

Suggested edit:
Add a phrase to CA-1 so that it would now read

[CA-1] Support clean audio as a separate, alternative audio track from
other audio-based alternative media resources, including the primary
audio resource.

> and 3.3 (Extended Video > Descriptions)
Proposed Edits:

1.)Remove the following:

"Note that this is an advanced feature and would only be expected by
advanced systems."

2.)	Add the following:

Because the user is the ultimate arbiter of the rate at which TTS
playback occurs, it is not feasible for an author to guarantee that any
texted audio description can be played within the natural pauses in
dialog or narration of the primary audio resource. Therefore, all texted
descriptions must be treated as extended text descriptions potentially
requiring the pausing and resumption of primary resource playback.  -- 

Janina Sajka,	Phone:	+1.443.300.2200
		Email:	janina@rednote.net

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:	http://a11y.org

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair,	Protocols & Formats	http://www.w3.org/wai/pf
	Indie UI			http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/

Received on Monday, 28 April 2014 13:53:00 UTC