request to add editors to Using ARIA in HTML

Hi all,

I would appreciate the taskforces consideration of the following:

I sent an email [1] to the public-html-admin mailing list asking the HTML
working chairs permission to let fellow HTML working group and
accessibility task force members Gez Lemon and Hans Hillen join me as
editors of Using ARIA in HTML [2].
I recieved feedback from Sam Ruby[3] indicating that the taskforce needs to
address this request.

reasons for request:
To bring Gez and Hans' known practical knowledge and expertise in ARIA and
HTML to further the development of the document
To reduce my overall workload as I have recently taken on editing duties of
HTML as part of the HTML editing team.

Note: Gez, Hans and I are all employed by TPG. At the current time as sole
editor, 100% of the editing duties for Using ARIA in HTML
are being conducted by a person employed by TPG, if Gez and Hans are
approved as additional editors that percentage will be unchanged.
If anybody has any objections to Using ARIA in HTML being edited by TPG
employees  please speak up.


with regards

Steve Faulkner
Technical Director - TPG

Received on Wednesday, 20 February 2013 07:29:15 UTC