Re: Call for Consensus (5 days): Response on MSE

On Thu, 12 Dec 2013 15:04:16 +0100, Charles McCathie Nevile  
<> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> this is a call for Consensus on the following proposition:
> The HTML Accessibility Task Force requests that an informative note be  
> added to the MSE specification, pointing out that an important use case  
> for allowing more than one video track in an implementation is for the  
> used of sign language captions, typically done through a second,  
> synchronised video.
> In order to provide a timely reply to the HTML WG, Responses will be  
> accepted until midnight Hawaiian time on Tuesday 17 December. Silence  
> will be considered assent, but positive response is preferred.

Although there was a dissenting opinion, the proposal overall received  

James Craig of the Accessibility Task Force suggests that the stated goal  
of providing two videos can be achieved already, which was not in dispute.  
The proposal was to add a note clarifying that MSE under the minimal  
configuration would not be capable of supporting the use case where  
signing captions require a second video.

This point is apparently not addressed by James' objection. It was also  
suggested in the media Task Force that this use case may not be able to be  
met at all, but it is unclear whether it was sufficiently understood when  
the claim was made.

The Resolution is that the Task Force is not yet satisfied with simply  
closing Bug 23661 as Works For Me, and requests a non-normative note in  
the MSE specification clarifying that a minimally conformant MSE  
configuration will not satisfy certain accessibility use cases, such as  
the use of a second synchronised video to provide signed captioning of the  

Note that since the proposed change would have no effect on conformance,  
this does not represent an objection to the document advancing to  
Candidate Recommendation, but is a request to reopen bug 23661 until it  
can be resolved to the mutual satisfaction of the relevant Task Forces.

The coordinators note the possibility that with further discussion the  
consensus may change. If this appears to occur a further Call for  
Consensus will take place as appropriate. The topic will be on the Task  
Force agenda this week.

For the Accessibility Task Force

Charles McCathie Nevile - Consultant (web standards) CTO Office, Yandex         Find more at

Received on Thursday, 19 December 2013 01:59:41 UTC