Re: testing of the lang attribute

I forgot to include the link to a test file if anyone is interested in pursuing this further:


On 8/16/13 4:29 PM, Mark Sadecki wrote:
> Task Force,
> In our original reply [1] to the HTML WG regarding the Overview of testing in view of CR [2] we reported the following in regards to the lang attribute:
> > The lang and xml:lang attributes Screen readers can use the lang attribute to
> > perform language switching, allowing speech in the natural language specified. Since
> > this attribute can be used on any element, the TF believes testing is required to insure
> >its value is available to user agents in all contexts.
> This level of evidence was rejected by the WG. During task force teleconference discussions, the following suggestions for demonstrating evidence weregiven:
> * test AAPI's to see if that data is presented forward.
> * search bugzilla for open bugs filed on lang or xml:lang
> I have used the OSX Accessibility Inspector on OSX and UI Accessibility Checker and AccProbe on Windows to investigate whether or not the langattribute is available in any of the AAPI's.  I have not found any evidence that it is.
> A search in bugzilla did not yield any valid, open bugs on the lang or xml:lang attribute.
> Conversations with experts did not yield any evidence that interoperability issues currently exist for the lang attribute.
> I am recommending that we not pursue this issue with the WG any longer.  Unless there are any objections by September 2, 2013, I will drop this issue from our next reply to the WG.
> [1]
> [2]
> Best,
> Mark

Mark Sadecki
Web Accessibility Engineer
World Wide Web Consortium, Web Accessibility Initiative
Telephone: +1.617.715.4017

Received on Friday, 16 August 2013 21:02:59 UTC