Re: HTML-A11Y Task Force Consensus RE Issue-204 ARIA-Hidden

Hi  Cynthia and all,

> Thank you, everyone.

You are welcome. Thank you for your work on the proposal.

> I've very pleased to see us moving forward on this.

You are welcome. So there is no misunderstanding I added a note to my old CP:

Best Regards,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Laura Carlson []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 5:14 AM
> To: HTML Accessibility Task Force;
> Subject: Re: HTML-A11Y Task Force Consensus RE Issue-204 ARIA-Hidden
> Hi Janina and all,
> Although I still worry that possessing special ARIA language (instead of simply reinforcing the simple concept that "hidden always means hidden" as the HTML5 spec currently does) adds complexity to the spec and will cause some authors, especially novice authors, confusion, I do not object to Cynthia's current stabilized ISSUE-204 proposal [1] as it seems to bring HTML5 and ARIA in accord on this issue and illuminates the fact that accessible name and description calculation [WAI-ARIA] flattens the referenced elements to plain text, losing interactivity and semantic structure.
> I have stopped work on my Correct Hidden change proposal [1] in deference to Cynthia's stabilized proposal [2].
> Best Regards,
> Laura
> [1]
> [2]
> On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 12:20 PM, Janina Sajka <> wrote:
>> Colleagues:
>> The HTML-A11Y Task Force has reached consensus (with one objection) in
>> support of the Issue-204 Change Proposal at:
>> The Task Force Call for Consensus on this CP can be found at:
>> Additional teleconference discussion of this CP and of TF consensus in
>> support of this CP can be found at:
>> The objection received can be found at:
>> Janina Sajka
>> Html-A11Y Task Force Co-Facilitator
>> Janina Sajka writes:
>>> Colleagues:
>>> On 29 March last the HTML-A11Y Task Force teleconference meeting
>>> reached consensus as follows:
>>> RESOLUTION: The HTML-A11Y Task Force confirms that ARIA-DescribedAT
>>> will not be ready for HTML 5 in HTML 5's currently published
>>> timeframe, and therefore reaffirms its support of Laura's authored CP
>>> to reinstate longdesc (Issue-30).
>>> The TF resolution, together with minutes of the discussion leading up
>>> to it, is logged at:
>>> As usual, if there is objection to this consensus position, please
>>> respond by replying to this message no later than close of business,
>>> Boston Time, on Monday 2 April.
>>> --
>>> Janina Sajka, Phone:  +1.443.300.2200
>>> Chair, Open Accessibility Linux Foundation
>>> Chair, Protocols & Formats
>>> Web Accessibility Initiative World Wide Web
>>> Consortium (W3C)
>> --
>> Janina Sajka,   Phone:  +1.443.300.2200
>> Chair, Open Accessibility Linux Foundation
>> Chair, Protocols & Formats
>> Web Accessibility Initiative World Wide
>> Web Consortium (W3C)
> --
> Laura L. Carlson

Laura L. Carlson

Received on Tuesday, 1 May 2012 19:07:09 UTC