Re: Drop longdesc, get aria-describedat?

Janina Sajka, Wed, 14 Mar 2012 13:21:36 -0400:
>>> Steve and I are working on an ARIA 
>>> placement for longdesc that we intent to be better specified to meet 
>>> the use case. 
>> +1 This is highly appreciated. Hopefully in ARIA 1.0?
> This question has been answered previously. Asking it again will not get
> you a different answer. Asking a different person in the PF ARIA team
> will not get you a different answer.
> You're wasting time and muddying the discussion by trying to get a
> different answer like this. Meanwhile, the issue remains unresolved and
> that's unhelpful.

That was lots of baked in accusations.

Sorry, I did not know it was the same question. He spoke about 
@longdesc in ARIA. He did not speak about @aria-describedAT in ARIA. It 
wasted *my* time that it it wasn't conveyed to us that it was the same 
Leif H Silli

Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2012 18:28:45 UTC