Re: Moving forward with Issue-204

At 12:25 PM 6/8/2012 -0400, Sam Ruby wrote:
>On 06/08/2012 12:12 PM, John Foliot wrote:
>>Sam Ruby wrote:
>>>The next step the chairs will take is to proceed to a survey.
>>>Meanwhile, the chairs are giving those who are working on the various
>>>proposals to work together.  In fact, the only reason we've held off
>>>proceeding to a survey is in response to a request by Judy and Janina
>>>as they felt that consensus was possible.
>>This discussion is on-going at the bequest of the Chairs.
>Correction: as I stated above, the only reason we've held off 
>proceeding to a survey is in response to a request by Judy and Janina.

I believe that the characterization of delays on proceeding to a 
survey on 204 -- given that issue 204 was put in front of issue 30 
over our protest, and that we have repeatedly been advised by the 
HTML Co-Chairs to seek additional consensus on this -- is out of 
context with the history of delays caused by 204 in returning to Issue 30.

I am further unclear why you interrupted Janina's reaching out on 
this question, which we had discussed with you.

- Judy

>- Sam Ruby

Received on Friday, 8 June 2012 16:37:21 UTC