Re: Moving forward with Issue-204

On 06/08/2012 10:52 AM, John Foliot wrote:
> When the PFWG (chartered to ensure W3C technologies meet accessibility
> requirements - comes back to a
> working group with a significant concern, and the Chairs dismiss that
> concern as "dissent" out of hand, then I think we have a fairly serious
> process problem on our hands. It was my belief that the role of the Chairs
> was to foster consensus, and NOT attempt to drive a wedge between various
> working group members. I encourage the Chairs to read the substance of the
> response, and not focus on the words used to convey that message.

Nothing, to date, has been dismissed.

The next step the chairs will take is to proceed to a survey. 
Meanwhile, the chairs are giving those who are working on the various 
proposals to work together.  In fact, the only reason we've held off 
proceeding to a survey is in response to a request by Judy and Janina as 
they felt that consensus was possible.

That being said, I will state that I see no evidence that the path 
Janina is currently pursuing will broaden consensus, and am reluctantly 
concluding that now is the time to proceed to a survey.  Does anybody 
here see things differently and believe that we should hold back any longer?

- Sam Ruby

Received on Friday, 8 June 2012 15:34:28 UTC