Re: @longdesc scope (was: HTML Media Transcript, Issue-194: Are we done?)

David Singer, Mon, 09 Jul 2012 08:42:23 -0700:
> On Jul 7, 2012, at 1:14 , Leif Halvard Silli wrote:

>> Would you say that it is a world of difference between a transcript for 
>> a movie on one hand, and a long description for a single graphic that 
>> contains sequential frames from a movie or a comic/cartoon[1][2] on the 
>> other?
> yes.

I don't agree with that 'yes'. But I agree that this is not a 

> "This movie concerns the childhood and youth of someone who becomes a 
> film director. It opens with a scene of his adulthood, receiving a 
> phone call from his mother in Sicily, informing that someone is dead. 
> The film then returns to hid childhood, where he is shown fascinated 
> with the local cinema, and he befriends the projectionist." and so on.
> this is not a transcript.

However: That was not the kind of long alternative text that I had mind.

Your example takes a "tell, don't show" attitude. If it had taken a 
"show, don't tell" approach, then it would probably looked more like a 
transcript. And a "show, don't tell" approach might be the exact 
correct one to take for a comic/cartoon.
Leif Halvard Silli

Received on Monday, 9 July 2012 19:50:57 UTC