Re: Minutes: [text] HTML-A11Y Text, Tues 14 February 2012, 17:00 Z, (1PM Eastern), 90 min

Hi Janina,

>From the minutes:

> JS: second concern is that neither the chairs nor the WG have
> demonstrated that the existing longdesc mechanism is inadequate.

I assume that the attitude is that they do not have to do that.

>.. So despite the inadequate coordination, there is now a new call for
> proposals on a new issue, raising questions regarding core defined
> behavior in ARIA, with a two-week deadline, just as we are heading
> into the busiest conference season of the year.

The deadline for ISSUE 204 has been extended now to March 10 [1]. So
the longdesc Issue has been stalled and move to the back of the bus


Best Regards,
Laura L. Carlson

Received on Tuesday, 14 February 2012 22:09:04 UTC