Re: Issue 203 Change Proposal

Hi John,

I don't understand your objection to aria-label. You write:

"Unlike other methods of supplying a short label to the media elements
(for example aria-label), using @alt will (MUST) render text on screen
when images are turned off or disabled."

Nothing in the definition of aria-label [1] excludes the aria-label
text from being rendered as replacement text for video or audio. Do
you have evidence of such happening?



On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 9:31 AM, John Foliot <> wrote:
> Colleagues,
> As discussed on a number of recent conference calls (and noted in the
> corresponding minutes), the HTMWL WG Chairs had previously requested that I
> revisit my Change Proposal for this issue, as the original submission was
> not to their requirements.
> I have made some substantial changes to the initial proposal, and I was able
> to also have Rich Schwerdtfeger assist me to ensure that the Details
> language was considerably more focused. At this time I would like to offer
> it up for a final scrutiny before advising the Chairs that the changes
> requested have been acted upon.  The Change Proposal can be found at:
> There is a deadline of Friday on these changes, so any feedback would be
> appreciated in a timely manner.
> Thanks!
> JF

Received on Friday, 27 April 2012 03:05:58 UTC