RE: Feedback: (RE: Finalizing an Issue-204 CP)

I have no opinion on making it a class=note.  I made the change, but it doesn't seem to make any visible change in the wiki.  Anyone know if it will be picked up when added to the spec?

I can live with "most screen readers", though I don't actually have data on screen-readers across language markets etc., and can't attest to "most" myself.  I chose "some" because I know that is true.  Janina, any opinion on that?

I think I've covered all of your feedback now.  What do you think?  

-----Original Message-----
From: John Foliot [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 4:44 PM
To: Cynthia Shelly; 'Laura Carlson'; 'Janina Sajka'; 'HTML Accessibility Task Force'
Cc: 'Joshue O Connor'; 'Judy Brewer';; 'Richard Schwerdtfeger'; 'James Nurthen'; 'Leif Halvard Silli'; 'Jonas Sicking'
Subject: Feedback: (RE: Finalizing an Issue-204 CP)

Cynthia Shelly wrote:
> OK, I think I'm close.

> es
> sibility_API_mappings
> 1) rewrote summary to talk more about @hidden being simpler than CSS, 
> rather than @aria-describedby being simpler than something else
> 2) changed example to one using an input and a label rather than an 
> image with a short and long description

Thank you.

> 3) added section on what happens in the API when the item is hidden or 
> not hidden
> 4) added the aria-labelledby row to the table from UIAG to show that 
> the behavior is not just for description
> 5) changed the details section to offer stronger advice to authors not 
> to do this with structured content.

I continue to advocate for stronger advisory text here. I would propose the following edit/change:

<p>...However, hidden elements may be used to provide descriptive strings, using aria-describedby and aria-labelledby and the <label> element.</p>

<p class="note">Any structure in the referenced element, including headings, links, tables, paragraphs, and form elements, will be lost. The text children of the element will be flattened to a string. As such, authors should only use this technique for string content. At the time of this writing, <del>some</del> <ins>most</ins> screen reader products will read both the accessible name and accessible name <ins>with no prompting</ins>, so authors should take care with the length of text provided via this method.</p>

(Is there a strong reason to not put this final piece in as a <p class="note"> in the spec?)

> 6) minor copy edits, adding <code> styling, etc.



Received on Friday, 20 April 2012 06:42:55 UTC