Deadlines for reopening issues that were closed with prejudice

Hi Maciej, Paul, and Sam,

Version 2 of the new HTML WG Decision Policy outlines the process for
reopening an Issue:

Point number four states:

"Note: a reopened issue may no longer qualify to be considered during
a currently running Pre-LC or LC review period and may instead be
taken up in the next milestone."

So is seems even if new info is presented and a change proposal is
written the chairs may delay issues like table summary,  poster alt,
etc out to another milestone. Milestones are listed:

In the Charter:

On the HTML homepage:
which links to:

Maciej posted a new revised timeline today:

But none of this states specific dates for reopening issues that were
closed with prejudice.

There was confusion over the date to reconsider longdesc during
pre-last call. It would be good to clarify dates in advance so that
people working on reopening other accessibility issues are well aware
of deadlines that impact their work.

Maciej, Paul, and Sam, what is the latest possible date to request
(with the required new info and a Change Proposal) that an issue that
was closed with prejudice be reopened and then re-decided during this
current Last Call?  Would it be October 11, 2011 or November 8, 2011
or January 14, 2012 or February 11, 2012? Or will you be taking these
up at different milestone? If so what is that date?


Best Regards,

Laura L. Carlson

Received on Thursday, 23 June 2011 18:50:53 UTC