Re: Another run at grappling with @poster

John, all,

Ignore my other email as a reply to the minutes. This one (that I just
discovered) is a much better thread and answers the questions I had in
the other email.

John, I personally think that the 4 issues that you are mentioning for
aria-describedby can be addressed and I agree that the use of
aria-describedby will indeed satisfy our use cases.

I'll make some notes inline on these.

The key issue, though, is that it would be really helpful if
aria-describedby could be clarified in the ARIA CR that the markup in
the HTML fragments that aria-describedby points to are retained and
need to be exposed by screen readers and AT, in particular links to
other resources, language markup, and paragraph markup that will
introduces pauses and navigation means.

Now to the notes inline below.

On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 11:32 AM, John Foliot <> wrote:
> Thanks to Kelly Ford, Jim Allan, Jeanne Spellman, Leonie Watson and Rich
> Schwerdtfeger for joining the media sub-team call this week.
> I'd like to try and lay this out from a user-requirements perspective
> first, to be sure of what I think we need from a user-perspective is
> clearly understood and agreed to (and I am prepared to hear that I am
> wrong). Then an examination of the history up to where we are today (I
> think) - all of course from my perspective.
> The scenario: we have a web-page that contains, visually, a bounding box
> that represents where the video will play.
> Above that box we have a title - Gone With The Wind - and below the box we
> have a paragraph of text:
> "American classic in which a manipulative woman and a roguish man carry on
> a turbulent love affair in the American south during the Civil War and
> Reconstruction."
> In code, we have the following:
> <h1>Gone With The Wind</h1>
>        <video src="movie.mp4"></video>
> <p> American classic in which a manipulative woman and a roguish man carry
> on a turbulent love affair in the American south during the Civil War and
> Reconstruction.</p>
> (yes we should also have <track src="caption file"> but assume it's there)
> Semantically speaking, we have a short name and a longer description,
> which is addressing the movie itself. The implied semantics exist, but for
> clarity the specific semantics are further defined (perhaps because there
> is more than one movie on the page):
> <h1 id="movieTitle">Gone With The Wind</h1>
> <video src="movie.mp4" aria-labeledby="movieTitle"
> aria-describedby="description"></video>
> <p id="description"> American classic in which a manipulative woman and a
> roguish man carry on a turbulent love affair in the American south during
> the Civil War and Reconstruction.</p>
> So far, so good.
> However, inside of the bounding box there is a static image. Let's not get
> bogged down on the source of that imagery (either via @poster, or the
> first frame of the video, or whatever), but let's agree that the image is
> the original movie poster from Gone With The Wind, as seen here:
> Nzg4._V1._SY317_CR2,0,214,317_.jpg
> (Note: the graphic image could just as easily be an image of the MGM Lion,
> or a Green Screen Parental rating guide, or an advert for tooth-paste. The
> choice of the word "poster" has introduced some misunderstandings that
> need to be acknowledge as well)
> For the non-sighted users reading this, a longer textual description of
> the imagery would be:
> "Clark Gable embraces Viven Leigh, staring into her eyes romantically. In
> the background is an ominous fire-red sunset and the silhouette of trees
> and a couple arm-in-arm in the distance. The poster reads David O.
> Selznick's adaptation of Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind. Winner of
> 10 Academy Awards."
> The semantic question becomes, is this a description of the movie, or of
> the movie poster?
> If we can agree that it is the movie poster, and that it is important that
> a means of linking that descriptive text to the multi-media asset is
> important, then *HOW* do we do it? And importantly (as in the case of the
> whole @longdesc debate), how do we do it when we know that from a
> visual/design perspective most designers will likely not want that rich
> textual description visible on screen.
> I believe that here we have introduced some new yet different semantic
> information. It is clearly related to the multi-media experience, yet it's
> not *really* the movie, it's the precursor to the movie. But it is also a
> rich visual experience, further complicated by the fact that there is text
> embedded into that image.
> *********
> Originally, I had proposed we should deal with the uniqueness of this
> not-movie visual expression - the "poster" - by introducing a child
> element of video, like this:
> <h1 id="movieTitle">Gone With The Wind</h1>
>        <video src="movie.mp4" aria-labeledby="movieTitle"
> aria-describedby="description">
>                <poster
>                        alt="David O. Selznick's adaptation of Margaret
> Mitchell's Gone with the Wind. Winner of 10 Academy Awards."
> longdesc="file-with-the-rest-of-the-description.html">
>        </video>
> <p id="description"> American classic in which a manipulative woman and a
> roguish man carry on a turbulent love affair in the American south during
> the Civil War and Reconstruction.</p>
> Note that in the example above, the alt text is *more* than the Title in
> the <h1>, and there is no SRC attribute, because the imagery would be
> derived from the first frame of "movie.mp4"; should the imagery be an
> actual discrete JPG, it could then be referenced by SRC, like this:
>        <poster
>                alt="David O. Selznick's adaptation of Margaret Mitchell's
> Gone with the Wind. Winner of 10 Academy Awards"
>                longdesc="file-with-the-rest-of-the-description.html"
>                src="poster.jpg">
> (note, this proposal would have made @poster as an attribute of <video>
> obsolete, as the specifying of the JPG file would move from being an
> attribute of the <video> element to becoming an attribute of the child
> element of <poster> - or in my proposal <firstframe>)
> Here, the not-movie visual imagery has a short name (provided by @alt) and
> a means for associating a longer description (using @longdesc).
> This proposal was rejected by the Working Group chairs (Issue 142) as they
> claimed that... well, I'm not really sure what their claim was, but it
> suggested that I was proposing a broken element (because presumably
> sometimes @src could be omitted which is perfectly valid - at least that
> was my reading of the decision -
> - Oh,
> that and their failure to read that I was not proposing actual spec text
> per-se (I even specifically asked for assistance), which is the grounds
> for my current, active Formal Objection on Issue 142. (I have indicated
> that should we solve the *problem* however that I would remove the FO, as
> results are more important to me than religion.)
> *********
> As we returned to the this issue, Silvia (and I) re-examined the
> requirements and cooked-up a different approach. It leverages ARIA a
> little more than the initial suggestion I had, but on paper it looked like
> it could still solve the larger requirement set. Using the same example,
> but re-written in this new approach, we would have the following:
> <h1 id="movieTitle">Gone With The Wind</h1>
>        <video src="movie.mp4" aria-labeledby="movieTitle"
> aria-describedby="description poster">
>                <p id="poster">David O. Selznick's adaptation of Margaret
> Mitchell's Gone with the Wind. Winner of 10 Academy Awards. A full
> description of the poster is <a
> href="file-with-the-rest-of-the-description.html">also available</a>.</p>
>        </video>
> <p id="description">American classic in which a manipulative woman and a
> roguish man carry on a turbulent love affair in the American south during
> the Civil War and Reconstruction.</p>
> With this, we have again captured what I believe to be all of the discrete
> semantics, and while I have some questions about user-experience, I was
> generally satisfied that for a 'professional' authoring of this by a
> developer, all of the tools the author needed where there.
> *********
> The questions/concerns I had focus on a few specific behaviors - and what,
> if anything we can do, should we do, and *who* should be doing what?  They
> are:
> 1) My concern about the concatenation of the two descriptions into a flat
> reading. Is this a problem? When a screen reader focuses on the <video>
> element, my understanding today is that what would be read aloud would be:
>        "David O. Selznick's adaptation of Margaret Mitchell's Gone with
> the Wind. Winner of 10 Academy Awards. A full description of the poster is
> also available. American classic in which a manipulative woman and a
> roguish man carry on a turbulent love affair in the American south during
> the Civil War and Reconstruction."
> (For example, is the 'pausing' caused by the period after the words "Wind"
> and "available" preserved, or will the speech synthesizer just plow on
> through as one run-on sentence? Do we need a 'longer' pause between the
> description of the movie and the description of the poster? If yes, how do
> we do this?)

I believe after today's discussion that the pausing problem can be
addressed if the HTML fragments that aria-describedby links to retain
their markup. For example, if they are in different <p> elements, then
a pause would automatically happen and navigation between different
pieces of information would be possible. If no such markup is there, I
would expect the same kind of pauses be made as they are when
sentences are finished.

> 2) I have a concern that apparently HTML-rich text being passed to the
> Accessibility API is being "flattened" - i.e. none of the HTML-richness is
> preserved. This would thus kill off the link being provided by: "A full
> description of the poster is also available." (This has surfaced in the
> @longdesc discussion as well: apparently Firefox is preserving the
> richness - needs to be tested/confirmed - but the other browsers are not.
> This might be a deal-breaker here.)

I agree - aria-describedby needs to retain the linked elements'
internal structure when handing it on to AT for this to work. This may
need clarification in the ARIA CR.

> 3) Order of reading: I presume that the aria-describedby texts are
> read/rendered in the order they are authored. In other words, if I
> reversed the order of the attribute values (...aria-describedby="poster
> description">...) then what is passed forward would be:
>        "American classic in which a manipulative woman and a roguish man
> carry on a turbulent love affair in the American south during the Civil
> War and Reconstruction. David O. Selznick's adaptation of Margaret
> Mitchell's Gone with the Wind. Winner of 10 Academy Awards. A full
> description of the poster is also available."
> Is this a problem (I can see where it might be sometimes)? Is this
> addressed exclusively as authoring guidance, or is there a way we can
> specify rendering order regardless of authoring order? Is this worth
> worrying about?

I would think that the order is retained and therefore it is up to the
author to choose the order and make it such that it results in the
best experience for the user. This may also need clarification in the

> 4) We have 2 paragraphs of textual description, describing 2 discrete
> things. Yet which paragraph is describing which thing? In the example I
> have used IDs of "description" and "poster" for clarity or examples, but
> we already know that IDs are machine readable but carry no semantics - I
> could have just as easily used the IDs of "this" and "that" - they would
> have worked as association "hooks", but no semantics are being passed
> along. My thoughts are that we could either investigate introducing new
> aria roles (but hear concerns of feature creep), or should we also look to
> use aria-label, like this:
>        <p id="that" aria-label="poster description">David O. Selznick's
> adaptation of Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind. Winner of 10 Academy
> Awards. A full description of the poster is <a
> href="file-with-the-rest-of-the-description.html">also available</a>.</p>
> Again, is this richness preserved or flattened? As an author, would
> writing this have any difference:
>        <div id="that"><p aria-label="poster description">David O.
> Selznick's adaptation of Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind. Winner of
> 10 Academy Awards. A full description of the poster is <a
> href="file-with-the-rest-of-the-description.html">also
> available</a>.</p></div>
> ...where the <div>'s ID provides the association, but the <p> and it's
> aria-label is semantically preserved? Do we need this? Do we have this?

Where this is needed by an author, aria-label would in my opinion
indeed provide the necessary markup. It's not really a question of
whether we need this, but that the possibilities are there in the


> It has been discussed that some of these issues are browser-implementation
> issues, and that bugs need to be filed at that level (Eric reconfirmed
> this point on last week's call) - however, to do that, it seems that the
> ARIA CR is not specific enough (sorry Rich/PF), so is there something we
> can do to address this problem? Does either of these proposals appear to
> be superior to the other, or is it ToMayto versus ToMato? Is there another
> way forward?
> Friends, I truly am agnostic on *how* we solve this problem. While I
> continue to think that my initial proposal of introducing a new child of
> <video> could work, I am also convinced that if we can work out the
> wrinkles of this second proposal that it too would address the needs
> requirements.
> And so, thoughts?
> JF

Received on Thursday, 23 June 2011 02:44:30 UTC