[media] Following up on Media Bugs

Hello Bug Triage Team,


Working from a list Martin proffered in late December, the Media Sub-Team
started the process of reviewing the bugs assigned to our team with the
hope to help clean up the list somewhat. While we did not get through the
entire list on our last call, we can at this time provide the following



- Allow UA to reload fallback content if it fails to load.

                The media team believes that a video should not commence
playing if existing supporting assets are not completely available to the
end user. Eric Carlson is investigating this in more detail and is
reporting back to our team this week.


- Remove any reference to a specific Time Stamp format for video
captioning from the specification at this time.

                This bug originally surface around the time of a
heart-beat draft, and the heart-beat draft was published without reference
to WebSRT. We suspect there remains references to WebSRT in the spec
still, and John has been tasked to do a complete review. ACTION-97 -
Follow up on bug #9673 [on John Foliot - due 2011-01-12].



- There is not a clear difference between "subtitles" and "captions". 

                Bug 9773 should refer to bug 11593 for more details. This
bug was filed by contributor@whatwg.org and we believe it can be closed as
#11593 speaks to this issue with more details. - Closed by JF



- "consecutive lines displayed below each other".

                Sean Hayes will investigate this further and report back
this week.



- "positioned to a multiple of the line dimensions of the first line of
the cue"

                Seems the issue is that the start of the caption region is
defined using line-height as the unit of measure: this may have
accessibility implications as it might actually push the caption outside
of the video region. We believe that this should be addressed by the text
track format spec, noting that this bug was also filed by



- Need a means for navigating between related timed tracks of media

                We are asking Silvia to follow up on this.


- Providing visible indication that descriptions and captions are

                This is covered by UAAG, and will likely also be visited
by the new WG emerging at W3C. Consensus to close this bug - Closed by JF


- Allow the user to independently adjust the volumes of the audio
description and original soundtracks.

                This is covered by UAAG, and will likely also be visited
by the new WG emerging at W3C. Consensus to close this bug - Closed by JF


- We require a method to allow the user to control playback timing in
order to have more time to understand the material.

                Some of this falls into UAAG area. This seems to be an
open issue within our group - leave open/as is.



- Support the isolation of speech from other background sounds in AV media

                This is partially a labeling issue, and partially a
production issue: the labeling issue is covered by bug #11593. Once we
have the ability to identify and "mark up" all supporting media resources,
we need to ensure that Clear audio is one of the types.


The Media sub-team hope to finish reviewing media-related bugs on this
week's call.




John  Foliot

Program Manager

Stanford Online Accessibility Program


Stanford University

Tel: 650-862-4603



Co-chair - W3C HTML5 Accessibility Task Force (Media)





Received on Tuesday, 11 January 2011 04:06:41 UTC