- From: Silvia Pfeiffer <silviapfeiffer1@gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 10:15:56 +1100
- To: HTML Accessibility Task Force <public-html-a11y@w3.org>
Minutes of today's media subteam can be found at http://www.w3.org/2011/02/23-html-a11y-minutes.html (I don't have the right to make them public, so an admin will have to look at that) Public logs are at: http://www.w3.org/2011/02/23-html-a11y-irc and below. Best Regards, Silvia. LOG: IRC log of html-a11y on 2011-02-23 Timestamps are in UTC. 22:01:16 [RRSAgent] RRSAgent has joined #html-a11y 22:01:16 [RRSAgent] logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/02/23-html-a11y-irc 22:01:57 [JF] JF has joined #html-a11y 22:03:54 [silvia] silvia has joined #html-a11y 22:03:58 [sean] sean has joined #html-a11y 22:04:41 [judy_] zakim, this is WAI_PF 22:04:41 [Zakim] ok, judy_; that matches WAI_PFWG(A11Y)5:00PM 22:05:09 [judy_] Meeting: Media Sub-team of HTML5 Accessibility Task Force 22:05:47 [Zakim] +Silvia 22:06:50 [silvia] scribe: Silvia 22:07:40 [silvia] zakim, unmute me 22:07:40 [Zakim] Silvia should no longer be muted 22:07:52 [frankolivier] frankolivier has joined #html-a11y 22:08:26 [Zakim] +[Microsoft] 22:08:28 [silvia] Topic 1: Actions Review http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/track/actions/open 22:09:01 [silvia] action-99? 22:09:01 [trackbot] ACTION-99 -- Janina Sajka to annotate 9452 with clear audio discovery and selection, as well as independent control of multiple playback tracks -- due 2011-01-19 -- OPEN 22:09:01 [trackbot] http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/track/actions/99 22:09:05 [judy_] agenda+ Identify Scribe 22:09:05 [judy_] agenda+ Actions Review http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/track/actions/open 22:09:05 [judy_] agenda+ Issue-152 Multitrack API http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-a11y/2011Feb/0079.html 22:09:05 [judy_] agenda+ Poster 22:09:05 [judy_] agenda+ Time Tracks & SYMPTE 22:09:05 [judy_] agenda+ Other Business? 22:09:08 [judy_] agenda+ be done 22:09:58 [silvia] delayed since Janina is not available today 22:10:15 [silvia] may possibly overlap with the multitrack proposals 22:12:13 [silvia] judy: are there any issues that we have that require change proposals - cut-off date is tonight 22:12:20 [silvia] JF + silvia: probably not 22:12:35 [silvia] .. issue-99 overlaps a lot with issue-152 22:12:51 [silvia] s/issue-99/action-99/ 22:13:05 [silvia] Topic 2: Issue-152 Multitrack API http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-a11y/2011Feb/0079.html 22:13:17 [silvia] JF: where do we stand? 22:13:43 [silvia] are we able to get another change proposal to counter the existing one before the deadline for counter proposals? 22:13:49 [silvia] this is the march 22nd deadline 22:13:53 [silvia] Eric: definitely 22:14:14 [silvia] Silvia: yes, I am definitely going to work on another 2-3 change proposals as well 22:14:36 [silvia] Eric: I am not sure how we will get to concensus 22:14:55 [silvia] … but Dave Singer and I have a definite idea how this should work and we will at least put in this change proposal 22:15:34 [silvia] Judy: that's great news 22:16:33 [judy_] s/great news/great news to hear the clarification that you have a clear proposal coming up to offer/ 22:17:35 [judy_] q+ 22:18:11 [silvia] silvia: Philip seems to have a clear idea on how to do it, so maybe another change proposal 22:18:28 [silvia] .. the HTTP adaptive streaming proponents have a clear idea and there will be another one from there 22:19:08 [silvia] .. next steps are now clear from the schedule of issue handling 22:19:25 [silvia] .. not sure if there is a possibility of the chair moving this to a last call issue 22:20:08 [silvia] JF: after all the change proposals come in there will be a call for concensus 22:20:30 [silvia] Judy: I would be concerned if this would be moved to a last call issue, because it will be damaging to a11y 22:20:47 [silvia] Eric: it would be good to discuss this at the F2F 22:20:55 [silvia] JF: who will be there? 22:21:15 [silvia] Sean and Eric will be there 22:21:24 [silvia] Silvia is trying to get it organised 22:22:04 [silvia] JF: this is good because it is shortly before the April 22nd deadline 22:22:15 [silvia] Eric: will Frank be there? 22:22:29 [silvia] Frank: not decided yet, but would like to be there 22:23:14 [silvia] Silvia: is there a means for the F2F to have a focused subgroup on media? 22:23:24 [silvia] JF: possibly, there is no agenda at this stage 22:23:46 [silvia] … I think central meetings make sense, and then have break-out groups 22:24:23 [silvia] Judy: we don't want to double-purpose the meeting, in particular for people like Janina that need to be in the main meeting 22:24:56 [silvia] … maybe in sequence with the PF work would work 22:25:21 [silvia] .. do people think it needs a full 2 days of discussion? 22:25:25 [silvia] Silvia: I think so 22:25:33 [silvia] Eric: it's hard to predict 22:25:42 [silvia] .. depends on what we do between now and then 22:26:47 [silvia] Judy: maybe we can crystallize specific issues in the larger group and then send off a smaller break-out group for detailed engineering 22:27:35 [silvia] … depends on W3C's plan for the meeting, but maybe we can organize to have our issue focused at the start 22:27:45 [silvia] … or we could start on Friday evening with a warm-up 22:27:57 [silvia] JF: is this a TF F2F or a WAI F2F? 22:28:18 [silvia] … everyone will want to drill into their specific issues at some point, e.g. Canvas etc 22:28:32 [judy_] judy thinks it may indeed be a TF F2F 22:28:53 [judy_] s/WAI F2F/PFWG F2F/ 22:29:41 [janina] janina has joined #html-a11y 22:30:42 [judy_] agenda? 22:31:15 [judy_] JF: do we have any common ground on 152 now? 22:31:44 [judy_] EC: yes, some. including the Microsoft proposal. The proposals just going about it in diff ways. 22:32:04 [janina] Suggest we look for ways to open a discussion with ISO--rather than going independently forward 22:32:06 [judy_] JF: we seem to have a short term plan. anything more to do on this today? 22:32:43 [judy_] EC: worth discussing in email. narrow approaches before discussion at CSUN TF meeting. 22:33:03 [judy_] janina -- the san diego meeting, is it PFWG, or TF? 22:33:08 [janina] TF 22:33:32 [judy_] we want to do some media stuff on sat morn, is that ok? w/ the tf mtg? 22:33:39 [judy_] qu to janina above 22:33:46 [janina] Absolutely. Critical to have thorough conversations on that 22:34:24 [silvia] judy: JF, please let Michael know that we want a big media focus on the meeting 22:34:25 [judy_] [janina: then the media folks may break out & do detailed stuff on the side.] 22:34:35 [janina] Yes 22:34:50 [janina] That might mean two rooms? 22:35:14 [silvia] JF: what is happening with FCC VPAAC? 22:35:44 [silvia] Judy: there was a VPAAC meeting this afternoon of WG 3 and the one mostly related to our questions is in WG 1 22:35:49 [JF] Janina yes, I will contact Michael Cooper and advise 22:36:08 [silvia] .. I requested a confirmation from the chairs and there is no meeting for WG 1 scheduled yet 22:36:22 [silvia] .. delayed because of the Oscars actually 22:36:56 [silvia] .. wanted to make them fully aware that there are two specs and encourage more discussions about it 22:37:28 [silvia] .. there also seems to be something happening at ISO 22:37:54 [silvia] silvia: what is the ISO related stuff? 22:38:16 [silvia] Judy: it's about a potentially copyrighted piece of work that is related 22:38:37 [silvia] Silvia: sounds like this is about DASH, which is related to HTTP adaptive streaming 22:38:45 [silvia] JF: and thus circles back to Issue-152 22:39:40 [silvia] JF: is there anything that this group can do to help FCC VPAAC in their work? 22:39:48 [janina] Will VPAAC deal with Issue-152-type questions? 22:40:20 [janina] PS: I'm working on getting us official copies/linkage to ISO/IEC SC29 WG 11 re Issue-152 22:40:44 [silvia] Judy: I don't think they will particularly deal with multitrack, but more about formats 22:40:55 [silvia] … it's advisory, not prescriptive 22:41:27 [silvia] silvia: just to clarify - are they not going to put out a requirement for vendors to support a particular format? 22:41:31 [janina] They may need to be perscriptive to some degree--to make sure that content and equipment are creating to the same standards?? 22:42:12 [silvia] Judy: detail on the implementation questions are not fully clear yet 22:42:48 [silvia] Eric: Geoff said in email that even if it wasn't prescriptive, their choice of format(s) would have that kind of effect 22:42:58 [silvia] Judy: yes, very likely 22:43:16 [silvia] JF: seems we need to monitor this issue 22:43:54 [silvia] Judy: keeping the discussions here moving in a timely way would help immensely the work at FCC VPAAC 22:44:09 [silvia] .. this is why I am concerned if we cannot make headway on the multitrack work 22:45:03 [silvia] .. it would be good to clarify here within W3C whether we will focus on WebVTT or support TTML/SMPTE-TT as well 22:45:35 [silvia] JF: is there something we need to do wrt TimedTracks that we haven't accomplished yet? 22:45:59 [silvia] Judy: we need to narrow down the multitrack options as quickly as possible 22:46:14 [silvia] .. and get something filed as much in advance 22:46:41 [silvia] JF: just to clarify - the multitrack API issue is the one where we have some competing proposals 22:47:06 [silvia] .. but that has nothing directly to do with the caption formats 22:47:22 [Zakim] -Eric_Carlson 22:47:29 [janina] Can we not use "caption" fpor all the texted alternative formats? 22:47:42 [Zakim] +Eric_Carlson 22:47:58 [silvia] sorry, Janina - caption format seems to be what the FCC is about, which is why I used that term in this case 22:48:17 [janina] We may need to get them to fix their language, too! <grin> 22:48:20 [silvia] but you are right of course 22:48:40 [janina] I've ben having that same conversation here in ISO SC35 today 22:49:21 [silvia] JF: for the FCC VPAAC, my take is that our group thinks that WebVTT meets a lot of requirements, and SMPTE-TT meets a lot of requirements, neither meets all 22:49:31 [silvia] … so that is probably all we can give the FCC VPAAC at this time 22:50:01 [judy_] [judy clarifies in response to john, above, i understand that there are two questions on the table. the timing issue is common to both. the narrowing options is specific to multitrack.] 22:50:02 [silvia] JF: any other business? 22:50:08 [janina] We can also say amatuer, small media adopters tend toward the SRT derivative, while industry is moving toward SYMPT 22:50:32 [silvia] silvia: I am wondering if Judy and Janina can report on their discussions at ISO on what is related to our work? 22:50:46 [silvia] Judy: I don't think any of the discussions today were related to media 22:50:54 [janina] Better Judy--I'm trying to be involved here--and also in my SC35 meeting! 22:51:54 [silvia] .. maybe Janina can do a report 22:52:06 [silvia] silvia: seems she is rather busy, maybe on the next call 22:52:16 [janina] Definitely next call 22:52:17 [silvia] JF: or via email - she is in London next week 22:53:15 [silvia] JF: we have lots of work to do till March 22nd, but right now we don't seem to have further need to discuss today 22:53:44 [silvia] Judy: question to Eric - when do you think your change proposal will be ready? 22:53:53 [janina] Short Story: We're setting up mutual liaison relationships. Judy is W3C liaison to SC35, I'm probably going to be SC35 liaison to W3C 22:53:55 [silvia] Eric: if there is a need, we can probably have it done in 2 weeks 22:54:50 [silvia] note for minutes: ISO SC35 is about User interfaces, see http://www.iso.org/iso/iso_technical_committee.html?commid=45382 22:55:35 [silvia] JF: I think our time currently could be more productively used in discussions than in writing competing change proposals 22:55:51 [silvia] .. hopefully we can write a common change proposal in the F2F that we can all agree on 22:56:02 [silvia] .. rather than too many competing change proposals right now 22:56:26 [silvia] Eric: I agree, discussions around the wiki page that silvia set up are most productive now 22:56:43 [janina] Terrific! 22:56:54 [silvia] JF: thanks everyone for this short call - keep discussing! 22:57:03 [Zakim] -Eric_Carlson 22:57:06 [Zakim] -Silvia 22:57:07 [Zakim] -[Microsoft] 22:57:09 [Zakim] -Judy 22:57:15 [Zakim] -John_Foliot 22:57:26 [Zakim] - +54558aaaa 22:57:28 [Zakim] WAI_PFWG(A11Y)5:00PM has ended 22:57:30 [Zakim] Attendees were John_Foliot, Judy, +54558aaaa, Eric_Carlson, Silvia, [Microsoft] 22:59:17 [silvia] rrsagent, make logs member
Received on Wednesday, 23 February 2011 23:16:49 UTC