Re: [media] re the multitrack activity

On Feb 15, 2011, at 1:44 PM, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:

> I guess the problem is that there isn't really much of a disagreement
> with the spec. The problem is rather that this is a new feature and
> needs some serious work to analyse all the implications. I don't feel
> comfortable putting forward a single one of the options as a solution
> to the problem at this stage. I could make a change proposal that
> could include multiple options and their advantages and disadvantages,
> but having a dispute with myself doesn't seem productive towards
> finding a solution.

It's fine for one person to submit multiple Change Proposals. And that won't get in the way of deferring the bug to LC, if we have consensus to do that.

The key issue here is making sure that we have agreement from the accessibility community to proceed to Last Call without this being addressed. There are only 6 days until the deadline, so I'm not sure we can get agreement on that so quickly.

That's why I recommend still submitting a Change Proposal, while we review whether this issue can be deferred.

> I guess what I am saying is that from an accessibility viewpoint we
> absolutely need a solution to this problem in the spec, but the given
> timeline is just not appropriate to propose an adequate solution and
> the discussions have to continue across all the stakeholders.

That is understandable.


Received on Tuesday, 15 February 2011 21:58:46 UTC