Canvas Accessibility Status

- The group has reached consensus on a rewrite of drawFocusRing() to drive
magnifiers during focus ring moves and have revised spec. text
- IE supports the canvas subtree DOM. Before Google can add this support to
Chrome they need to have their basic MSAA/IA2 implementation going with
JAWS. Rich is facilitating.
- We have a change proposal for textMetrics to be able to position text
relative to canvas. Ian has asked for more information and it was provided.
- We are trying to come to consensus on caret and selection API for driving
magnification but we cannot reach consensus as neither Mozilla or Microsoft
have been attending the calls. We have a proposal that may be better placed
in an Apple proposal on device independent events for accessible rich
internet applications where it could be used for SVG as well.
- We still need to determine how to convey absolute positioning of all
content to screen magnifiers and screen readers who make use of Braille.
This is difficult without Browser manufacturer participation.


Rich Schwerdtfeger
CTO Accessibility Software Group

Received on Thursday, 3 February 2011 19:24:53 UTC