Re: use of aria-hidden to provide a text description not visible on the page.

Hi david, i think your are correct, I myself was under the  impression that
aria-hidden was something more than it is.

Setting aria-hidden="true" does not cause AT to hide content, it is used as
a flag that content is hidden using some method such as CSS display:none

Is that right?

On 14 September 2010 20:47, David Bolter <> wrote:

> Sorry a bit rushed here and I don't feel like I fully understand this
> thread.
> Aria-hidden was created to describe the fact that a node was visually
> hidden or not such that DOM based AT could have this information. Normally
> what is visually hidden or not is already very well supported by the browser
> accessibility API because the browser knows very intimately what is visually
> hidden or not.
> I feel that aria-hidden might have morphed into something else here? Maybe
> Andi can cross check this with our implementation guide?
> cheers,
> David
> On 13/09/10 3:30 PM, James Craig wrote:
>  copying David Bolter and Andi Snow-Weaver.
> On Sep 11, 2010, at 1:04 PM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
>  Leif Halvard Silli, Sat, 11 Sep 2010 17:10:41 +0200:
> Now I have deinstalled Jaws 10, and reinstalled Jaws 11, and the bug in
> the interpretation of the test page [*] continues to be there. However,
> I also found something that appears as a workaround: Aria-labelledby
> can contain more than one idref. And if at least one of the idrefs
> points to an element that has not been hidden, then all the elements
> will be used, even if some of them are hidden. The visible element can
> simply be an empty element.
> The fact that the browser should sent a string value as the label was a
> relatively recent clarification in the ARIA Implementation Guide (within the
> last few months, I think). What Mozilla used to do was use the IDREF pointer
> in the accessibility API, which was problematic if that labeling element was
> hidden in the API. VoiceOver already calculated the string label on the user
> agent, and then passed the string label to the API. If I remember correctly,
> the PFWG decided VoiceOver was doing the right thing here, so what you're
> seeing is likely just a legacy implementation in Firefox. David may be able
> to comment on whether or not a more recent build of FF has updated that
> behavior.
> James

with regards

Steve Faulkner
Technical Director - TPG Europe
Director - Web Accessibility Tools Consortium |
Web Accessibility Toolbar -

Received on Tuesday, 14 September 2010 20:17:11 UTC