Re: Default role of <IMG> should be "img"

On 13 Sep 2010, at 04:12, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:

> Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis, Sun, 12 Sep 2010 15:10:37 +0100:
>> Looks like ARIA already uses the CSSOM when calculating text alternatives:
>> "Text nodes are often visited because they are children of an element 
>> that uses rule 2C to collect text from its children. However, because 
>> it is possible to specify textual content using the CSS :before and 
>> :after pseudo-elements, it is necessary for user agents to combine 
>> such content with the text referenced by the text nodes to produce a 
>> complete text alternative."
>> Separation of concerns fail. :(
> Is it the use of pseudo-elements that makes you think so?

No, it's the use of /style/ (CSS) to determine /content/.

I guess it's okay as long as authors understand that their :before and :after content, and therefore generated text equivalents, might differ if the user rejects their styles/applies different ones.

But, if we replace content with an image with CSS, does that make the text disappear from the accessible name? Bit of a can of worms, really. :(

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

Received on Monday, 13 September 2010 06:10:12 UTC