Re: use of aria-hidden to provide a text description not visible on the page.

Steven Faulkner, Fri, 10 Sep 2010 16:42:32 +0100:

>>Did you by "should it be given that the div is hidden?" 
> No i was hoping to get confirmation that the behaviour exhibited is 
> indeed correct in regards to the aria spec, it seems pretty clear to 
> me that it is, I am just surprised by it.

I think you misread ARIA 1.0 -  it says: [1]

]] Skip hidden elements unless the author specifies to use them via an 
aria-labelledby or aria-describedby  [ snip ]. [[

Note that it says "hidden elements". It does not say "aria-hidden 
elements". The word 'hidden' has a definition: [2]

]] Hidden
Indicates that the element is not visible or perceivable to any user.
Note: Authors are reminded that visibility:hidden and display:none 
apply to all CSS media types; therefore, use of either will hide the 
content from all renderers, regardless of modality. Authors using other 
techniques (for example, opacity or off-screen positioning) to visibly 
'hide' content should ensure the aria-hidden attribute is updated 

leif halvard silli

Received on Friday, 10 September 2010 18:56:26 UTC