Re: keep CAPTCHA out of HTML5

Hi John,

You wrote [1]:

> I note that Laura just posted the related bits and bobs that currently
> surround this issue in HTML5. For many of us, "don't use CAPTCHAs -
> the end" is the answer rather than trying to repair a broken tool that
> fails on its basic premise on many levels;

This probably gets back to WAI CG's recommendation that:

* that HTML5 state that "For guidance on accessibility requirements
for text alternatives authors should consult WCAG 2.0."
* and that HTML should not provide any guidance that conflicts with WCAG.

In this thread so far am hearing several CAPTCHA solutions for the HTML 5 spec:

1. Keep CAPTCHA out of HTML5. Say nothing about it in the spec. Remove
the example [2].

1. Delete the CAPTCHA example in the HTML spec and state: "Don't use
CAPTCHAs". This seems to conflict with WCAG as it already has CAPTCHA
technique documents [3] [4]. Would it be feasible to ask to have the
WCAG techniques documents changed to say "Don't use CAPTCHAs"?

2. Delete the CAPTCHA example in the HTML spec and refer and authors
to WCAG 2.0 for guidance.

3. Delete the CAPTCHA example in the HTML spec and refer authors to
Steve's document [5] where he is willing to expand on the
inaccessibility of CAPTCHA and provide advice on how to make it
accessible as possible if it is used [6].

4. Delete the CAPTCHA example in the HTML spec and refer authors to
WCAG 2.0 and Steve's doc .

5. Improve the CAPTCHA example in the HTML spec so that it is in line
with  WCAG 2.0 and its technique documents as well as Steve's

Any other solutions on the table?

Best Regards,

Laura L. Carlson

Received on Thursday, 18 March 2010 12:31:30 UTC