keep CAPTCHA out of HTML5


just a reminder, there is no such thing as a universally accessible 
CAPTCHA -- even if an audio alternate is offered to the visual 
challange, how does that help someone who is deaf-blind or who has 
enough hearing loss to make the "masked" sounds unintelligble and 
enough vision loss to prevent the user from reading the distorted 

simply making an audio version of a visual CAPTCHA does NOT make 
the CAPTCHA "challange" accessible, so i would ask/propose that 
HTML5 NOT include any verbiage on CAPTCHAs, full stop

Accessibility, Internationalization, and Interoperability are not
"features", "overlays" or "add-ons".  Rather, they are core 
components of any architecture -- programmatic or otherwise.
     Gregory J. Rosmaita,
Vice-Chair, WebMaster & Listmaster, Open Accessibility Workgroup                                http://a11y/specs

Received on Wednesday, 17 March 2010 15:57:49 UTC