Closing fixed, accepted, or partially accepted bugs; next steps


after yesterday's telcon a scanned Ian's list of "bugs awaiting 'a11ytf' 
keyword decision." [1]

Most of the bugs on that list were filed by members of this task force, 
therefore I believe in most cases it should be an easy, uncontroversial 
decision to tag the bugs with the keyword.

At the same time to my delight I've seen that quite a few bugs have been 
accepted or partially accepted with minor text edits, the result has 
been implemented into the spec, and they are marked as "resolved fixed".

I would suggest that the respective reporters confirm that the bugs have 
been fixed, setting the status to "closed." That will enhance the 
clarity and remove the clutter, so that we can concentrate better on the 
"needs clarification" or "wontfix" bugs, reducing the backlog.

My motivation to scan the bugs was the idea that perhaps I could clarify 
some issues, but most have already been adequately commented by other TF 
members. Some bugs can be closed, but with others it is unclear what the 
next step would be to advance the issue?



Received on Friday, 18 June 2010 10:45:29 UTC