Re: aside and figure elements

hi bruce,

<img src=ceo.jpg alt="">
<figcaption>Brian Slick, CEO of Blammo Corp, leveraging a synergy</figcaption>

> seems entirely accessible (?)

the issue i see with this is that using alt="" says the image can be
safely ignored. A caption is a label for something so the presence of
the image needs to be exposed.

when <figcaption> is supported in browsers the mapping will be provided so that:

<figure><img src=ceo.jpg alt="Brian Slick, CEO of Blammo Corp,
leveraging a synergy"></figure>


<img src=ceo.jpg>
<figcaption>Brian Slick, CEO of Blammo Corp, leveraging a synergy</figcaption>

will both provide the accessible name as "Brian Slick, CEO of Blammo
Corp, leveraging a synergy"


On 7 June 2010 15:05, Bruce Lawson <> wrote:
> On Mon, 07 Jun 2010 14:42:17 +0100, Laura Carlson
> <> wrote:
>>> # decorative images should not be allowed as content of a <figure>
>>> element as the HTML5 semantics imply that the content of the figure
>>> should be meaningful, so no <img alt="">
>>> # when a figure has a <figcaption> the content of the <figcaption>
>>> should act as the accessible name for the image(s) inside the <figure>
>>> if the image(s) do not have a text alternative provided using the alt
>>> attribute.
> Sounds sensible to me. But this couls be misinterpreted as contradictory.
> For example.
> <figure>
> <img src=ceo.jpg alt="">
> <figcaption>Brian Slick, CEO of Blammo Corp, leveraging a
> synergy</figcaption>
> </figure>
> seems entirely accessible (?) and fits in with your first bullet. But a
> designer might be troubled by the first bullet which says no <img alt="">
> and write
> <figure>
> <img src=ceo.jpg alt="Brian Slick, CEO of Blammo Corp, leveraging a
> synergy">
> <figcaption>Brian Slick, CEO of Blammo Corp, leveraging a
> synergy</figcaption>
> </figure>
> which is "too much accessibility".
> --
> Hang loose and stay groovy,
> Bruce Lawson
> Web Evangelist
> (work)
> (personal)
> Pre-order my HTML5 book

with regards

Steve Faulkner
Technical Director - TPG Europe
Director - Web Accessibility Tools Consortium |
Web Accessibility Toolbar -

Received on Monday, 7 June 2010 14:20:07 UTC