Media Requirements - 3.8 Requirements on the parallel use of alternate content on potentially multiple devices in parallel.

Requirements on the parallel use of alternate content on potentially
multiple devices in parallel (12 comments)

Recommendation: Needs to be reworked to be more applicable to media. This
is consistent with comments from Rich, Laura, Denis and others as this
appears to be more hardware related. Request further clarification from

Eric and I spent a fair bit of time with this, before arriving at this

We both realize that this is 'punting' this section, but repeated
reading/re-reading and discussion continued to arrive at the conclusion
that this is all very much device driven requirements and cannot see how
they impact directly on the <video> and <audio> elements, nor their
implementation within User-Agents. In fact the opening explanitory
sentence reads:
	"Multiple user devices must be directly addressable."

We can only presume that each device would have a user agent/browser
installed at the device level.

John Foliot / Eric Carlson

Received on Friday, 2 July 2010 02:07:32 UTC