Re: summarization information delivery options: attribute or element

On Thu, 25 Feb 2010 23:40:09 -0000, Gez Lemon <>  

> If we're talking about a long description for a data table, then I
> agree. It should be available for everyone, provided in rich markup
> and nothing new is required to do that. My concern is that people who
> cannot see the data table visually will be left out, which obviously
> doesn't help the people the summary attribute was originally intended
> for.
> Ultimately, I think our different points of view are based around
> whether the summary should provide a concise overview of the
> structure, or whether it's a long description for the data table. I'm
> of the opinion it's the former, and respect that you and many others
> are of the opinion that it's the latter.

Hi Gez

Thanks for the clear explication of the different issues. I agree with  
your analysis. I've long believed that summary attribute is unnecessary:  
if a blind person needs a heads-up of the structure of a table, why would  
we not give that to a person with cognitive problems, too?

But I'm intrigued by your statement that "summary should provide a concise  
overview of the structure" as opposed to  "a long description for the data  
table". I'd find it very helpful to see some examples of a summary that  
is  a concise overview rather than an long description, as I'm  
imagination-challenged and the two seem to be synonymous.

Do you have any examples from your travels that spring to mind?


Hang loose and stay groovy,

Bruce Lawson
Web Evangelist (work) (personal)

Received on Friday, 26 February 2010 10:51:51 UTC