Re: a11y-media sync-up call [was: minutes: HTML A11y TF telecon 2010-02-04 [draft]]

Hi all,

I'm happy with this time. I hope it works for others, too.

Also, I think this should not just be a catching up meeting. I'd
actually like us to make some decisions and agree on next steps.

So, basically I want to discuss three things:
* Multitrack JavaScript API
* external caption formats
* declarative syntax for associating external text resources

I will be kicking off separate email discussions on these before the
meeting, so we should be prepared.

BTW: I assume we will be scribing the meeting on irc, so this could be
a means for a deaf person to participate?


On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 3:03 PM, Michael(tm) Smith <> wrote:
> Silvia Pfeiffer <>, 2010-02-05 09:42 +1100:
>> My proposed next steps were:
>> 1. finalise specification drafts in subgroup
>> 2. solicit feedback from larger task force
>> 3. have phone hook up in subgroup to agree on specifications
> [...]
> After some discussion with Sylvia, I'd like to propose that the media subgroup
> have a one-hour telcon on February 17 at 21:00 GMT (22:00 Oslo, 13:00 US/West,
> 08:00 Feb 18 Syndey) -
> Dave, Philip, John, Eric: Could you each reply and let me know if that date and
> time will work OK for you or not?
>  --Mike

Received on Friday, 5 February 2010 04:24:29 UTC