Re: Discussion: Text Alternative Survey

Hi Dave,

> Funny, the page seems updated since I saw it last.  It now says:
> A conformance checker must report the lack of a text alternative as an error. The image element <img> is only valid when at least one of the following is true. The
>        • alt attribute is present (empty or non-empty), or
>        • aria-labelledby attribute present (non-empty only), or
>        • aria-label attribute is present (non-empty only), or
>        • <img> element is located within a <figure> element that has a non-empty <figcaption> element, or
>        • role attribute is present and has a value of "presentation".

Yes, I changed the "@"s to the word "attribute" and lower cased "OR"
to "or". Does that help?

> This still does not mention the "alt-is-missing-and-I-know-it attribute in response to my question below.
> I am still concerned that, therefore, we voted on an incomplete proposal.  Did we?

I'm still waiting to hear a response to your question [1] [2] from the
people who attended the face-to-face too.

Best Regards,

Laura L. Carlson

Received on Monday, 26 April 2010 17:32:21 UTC