RE: Text associations for HTML5 video/audio

Dick, if I'm reading this right the key difference here is to replace the enabled attribute with the <systemTest> attributes, as replacing the trackgroup element with  <switch> is largely syntactic (although I understand the premise of keeping it in synch with SMIL) .

In principle this seems like an OK change, however your examples confuse me, 

You define the attribute:

          attribute DOMString systemTest;

but then you introduce a totally different attribute in the examples, for instance:

Example 1: Simple conditional inclusion of a default captions file.

   <video src="movie.mp4" controls ... >
      <textstream src="" systemCaptions="true" ... />

If the intention is to include a full gamut of predefined System Test attributes, like SMIL does, then I think this is problematic; as it requires a DTD alteration for each system test and I think it's unlikely we will be able to agree on the right set quickly enough. If on the other hand we have something like:

   <video src="movie.mp4" controls ... >
      <textstream src="" systemTest="captions: true" ... />

Then this is better from a DTD point of view, but essentially boils down to the same mechanism as the media queries.

What did you have in mind here?

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Dick Bulterman
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 4:24 PM
To: HTML Accessibility Task Force
Subject: Text associations for HTML5 video/audio

Hello list,
Here is an alternative proposal for integrating text associations into HTML5.  Although I personally feel that we should consider more general models of temporal composition to solve this sort of problem, the solution presented here limits the damage of further bloating <video> and <audio> -- and it has functionality that could also be useful for differentiation screen and connection speed constraints.

I welcome you comments.

Dick Bulterman

Received on Friday, 16 April 2010 17:50:14 UTC