Re: Planning to close HTML for email Community Group due to inactivity unless we hear from you

Hello all,

I am open to making this group useful, or to closing it. I don't really 
*need* to work on better understanding of the state of HTML in email, it's 
a "nice to have" from my perspective.

I'll therefore leave it to people here to propose work that we might do, 
and volunteer to do some of it, as a measure of whether we should request 
that the group is not closed.



On Monday, 6 March 2023 19:28:51 (+01:00), Team Community Process wrote:

 > Dear participants in the
 >   HTML for email Community Group
 > Your Community Group appears to have become inactive (per [1]). W3C 
plans to close this group in 10 days unless we hear compelling reasons from 
you to keep it open.
 > Thank you,
 > CG/BG System
 > [1]

Charles 'Chaals' Nevile
Lead Standards Architect, ConsenSys Inc

Received on Monday, 6 March 2023 18:35:46 UTC