Re: identified focus areas

Hi all Email Freaks, :-)

I'm very pleased that so many people interested to talk about htmail or 
maybe *.ehtm :-) .

 > "Do you have concerns that htmail proposals might introduce new and
 > interesting spamming possibilities?"
*My thinking was that with a change for all email clients it will be 
possible to talk about new header attributes e.g. "Do not Forward",  "Do 
not Reply", ...
With this flags it will be possible the to reduce the spam rat or make 
sure that special mails will not be forwarded. A other point is to talk 
about a encoding attribute. Something like a notice about the encoding 
type to match this attribute with a desktop or private / public key. I 
have no idea, but at the end i think we will find some encoding specialists.

 > "My expectations from this working group is to understand why webmails or
 > mail software have such a bad support for web rendering, and to help make
 > the situation evolve."
Thats easy to answer, all email provider and email web provider build 
their own engine and the last agreement based of html 4.01.

@Joshua Cranmer
 > "Topics that I think may be relevant to discuss for HTML email are:..."
I agree with your topics!

Could be this the groupnames:

- CSS in ehtm?
- JS in ehtm?
- SVG, MathMl, Images and Multimedia in ehtm?
- Security Ideas in ehtm?
- Form in ehtm?

@Andrew Herrington
 > "I'm also contacting as many people as possible to widen involvement 
- so far we have:
 > Email providers
 > Email services providers
 > W3C
 > Digital agencies
 > Companies who use email marketing
 > Independents
 > If anyone can blog / tw"

Do think it will be a good way to talk about stakeholdergroups in a own 
mailinglist, what do you think about?

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Received on Monday, 3 February 2014 08:58:16 UTC