Science Gateway Institute Workshop, Sept 27, Indianapolis

Hi all,

Apologies for anyone who may have gotten duplicate posts, but wanted to send to the lists too in case you had not yet seen this opportunity. The Science Gateway Institute is holding a workshop in conjunction with IEEE Cluster 2013 in Indianapolis on Sept 27. This is a great opportunity for you to show off some of the great apps you're building on top of HPC web APIs and in other contexts to a very receptive audience. Due to the short submission deadline, the organizers are only asking for 3 page abstracts (with the possibility of invited journal submissions down the road). If you've been working on something great or would just like a venue to show off what you've been working on, this is the place to do it.

Hope to see some of you there!


From: XSEDE User News <<>>
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Date: Monday, August 12, 2013 9:35 AM
Subject: Science Gateway Institute Workshop, Sept 27, Indianapolis

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Categories: Science Gateways, Conferences

Start time: 27 Sep, 2013 08:00 EDT
End time: 27 Sep, 2013 17:00 EDT

Posted on 12 Aug, 2013 16:25 UTC by Nancy Wilkins-Diehr

The Science Gateway Institute will be hosting a workshop at the IEEE Cluster 2013 conference in Indianapolis, Indiana on September 27. The workshop seeks to highlight a variety of gateways, including, but not limited to those using high performance computing resources.

3-page abstracts are due August 31. Proceedings will be published through IEEE Xplore online proceedings and extended versions of some workshop papers will be published in a special journal issue of Concurrency in Computation – Practice and Experience. This special issue will also include extended papers from the June 2013 International Workshop on Science Gateways.

Some financial support is available (for travel costs and conference registration fees) for those who do not have institutional support for attending the workshop.

For more information, please see

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Received on Monday, 12 August 2013 18:36:38 UTC